-Ha detto che Taylor è molto sexy nella scena in cui la colpisce con una ciotola.
- Le piace l'onestà di Rosalie in quanto è una persona onesta.
- Descrive la relazione tra Rosalie e Bella in Breaking Dawn molto intima.
-Ha avuto un grande momento con questo film. Lei dice che non sapeva che Rosalie avrebbe avuto un ruolo così importante, come hanno fatto in questo film.
-Il film più difficile per lei è stato New Moon. Sta scherzando! Non c'era proprio in quello!
- Dice che si sente veramente attratta dai lupi. Crede che Emily è un personaggio molto interessante. Come tutti i ragazzi.
-Crede, come tutti, che sarà molto emozionante l'ultimo giorno di riprese, quando avranno finito di registrare, e se ne andranno senza dire nulla.
English version
Nikki Reed attended the TwiCon in Nashville on March 11 and gave some details ofthe film very interesting:
-He said that Taylor is very sexy in the scene where the hits with a bowl.
- Do you like the honesty of Rosalie as it is an honest person.
- Describes the relationship between Rosalie and Bella in Breaking Dawn veryintimate.
-Have you had a great time with this film. She says she knew that Rosalie would havesuch an important role, as they did in this film.
-The film was more difficult for her New Moon. You're kidding! There was preciselythat!
- He says he feels very attracted by wolves. Do you think Emily is a very interestingcharacter. Like all the boys.
-He believes, like everyone else, it will be very exciting on the last day of filming,when they have finished recording, and they will go without saying anything.
-He said that Taylor is very sexy in the scene where the hits with a bowl.
- Do you like the honesty of Rosalie as it is an honest person.
- Describes the relationship between Rosalie and Bella in Breaking Dawn veryintimate.
-Have you had a great time with this film. She says she knew that Rosalie would havesuch an important role, as they did in this film.
-The film was more difficult for her New Moon. You're kidding! There was preciselythat!
- He says he feels very attracted by wolves. Do you think Emily is a very interestingcharacter. Like all the boys.
-He believes, like everyone else, it will be very exciting on the last day of filming,when they have finished recording, and they will go without saying anything.
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