Ecco per voi alcune novità dal sito ufficiale della meyer.
Vi riporto l articolo postato dal fratello Seth che la aiuta ad aggiornare il sito:
Prima notizia fra tutte riguarda la prenotazione online sul sito di amazon del companion book di New Moon, lo si può preordinare con largo anticipo visto che la copertina deve ancora essere scelta. La seconda notizia purtroppo riguarda solo gli STATI UNITI visto che il concorso è valido solo per i residenti americani ma comunque vi diamo lo stesso la notizia: La casa editrice dell' edizione americana della saga ha messo in palio gli audiobook dei 4 libri campioni di incassi della Meyer.
english version:
Here some news from the official web site of Stephenie Meyer:
It has been a while since the last time I posted anything—I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to bring your attention to a couple of things.
First, in case you didn't see it, New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
is already available for pre-order (even though the cover art has not been released). For those of you who haven't seen the Twilight Companion, it is filled with high-quality images and behind-the-scenes information. Please note that Stephenie does not write these books, but I really enjoyed the first one.
Also, Random House (the company who produces the Twilight audiobooks) is hosting another contest through their subsidiary suvudu.com. They will be giving away the entire Twilight series on audio books (you must be a resident of the United States and 18 years of age or older to enter). Please note that this contest is not at all affiliated with StephenieMeyer.com, although I do enjoy listening to the audio books.
Good luck!
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