Meglio conosciuto per il ruolo del papà di Bella Swan nella saga di Twilight, Billy Burke è molto più di uno sceriffo di provincia coinvolto nel mondo soprannaturale di Bella, Edward e Jacob. L'attore è un veterano del grande schermo e del piccolo, ma la maggior parte della gente non sa che lui è anche un musicista, e sta per lanciare il suo nuovo album chiamato "removed".Pop Eater ha intervistato Billy, dove ha parlato di "Twilight", la sua carriera musicale e il suo prossimo progetto 'Little Red Riding Hood" adattamento cinematografico del classico cappuccetto rosso, interpretato da Amanda Seyfried e Gary Oldman. Parlando di Billy, tanti auguri Billy per il tuo compleanno!
English version
Best known for his role as Charlie Swan in the Twilight series, Billy Burke is much more than a small-town sheriff, is involved in the supernatural world of Bella, Edward and Jacob.The actor is a veteran of both big screen and in the small, but most people do not know that he is also a musician, and is releasing his new album called "Removed."Pop Eater interviewed Billy, where he talked about "Twilight", his musical career and his next project 'Little Red Riding Hood film adaptation of the classic tale, starring Amanda Seyfried and Gary Oldman. Speaking of Billy, wishing you a happy birthday (turns 44 today.)
Best known for his role as Charlie Swan in the Twilight series, Billy Burke is much more than a small-town sheriff, is involved in the supernatural world of Bella, Edward and Jacob.The actor is a veteran of both big screen and in the small, but most people do not know that he is also a musician, and is releasing his new album called "Removed."Pop Eater interviewed Billy, where he talked about "Twilight", his musical career and his next project 'Little Red Riding Hood film adaptation of the classic tale, starring Amanda Seyfried and Gary Oldman. Speaking of Billy, wishing you a happy birthday (turns 44 today.)
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