21 febbraio 2010

Kristen at BAFTA

Kristen Stewart era presente questa sera ai BAFTA.
Kristen è stata nominata per l' ORANGE AWARD, come attrice emergente.
FACCIAMO I PIù GRANDI COMPLIMENTI A KRISTEN PER AVER VINTO L' ORANGE AWARD. eccovi il discorso "Wow. Thank you. I guess first I have to thank all the fans of Twilight for proving again and again to be THE most devoted and attentive fans ever. Considering this is voted, credit is due to them so thank you. To the other actors nominated, I am so blown away by you that I can't even describe it. To be voted among you is just overwhelming. And I'd like to say hi to my family."
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english version:
Kristen was at BAFTA tonight, she is been nominated for the Orange awards as rising stars. EDIT: KRISTEN WIN THE ORANGE AWARD....CONGRATS STEW.Here the speech "Wow. Thank you. I guess first I have to thank all the fans of Twilight for proving again and again to be THE most devoted and attentive fans ever. Considering this is voted, credit is due to them so thank you. To the other actors nominated, I am so blown away by you that I can't even describe it. To be voted among you is just overwhelming. And I'd like to say hi to my family."
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3 commenti:

  1. Chissà se verrà bene in un paio di foto, così, per errore, eh, mica perchè ci si mette di impegno.
    Anyway, standing ovation per il vestito: la collezione bianca di Chanel. *______* La più bella della maison delle ultime collezioni.


  2. Kristen ha vinto!
    Fede, del discorso di ringraziamento dovrai dirmi se ha nominato Rahim come aveva detto. XDDD


  3. Niente Rahim allora. XD



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