6 ottobre 2009

New clip of New Moon film on Spike tv

La rete televisiva Spike tv ha annunciato che durante gli Scream awards 2009 sarà presentato un nuovo video di New Moon da alcuni membri del cast,acora non sanno chi andrà,loro sperano di riuscire a portare Kristen e Robert ,anche se impegnati sul set di Eclipse.
L'evento sarà registrato sabato 17 ottobre e verrà messo in onda il 27.
English version:
"The network announced today that the pseudo awards show will feature cast members from "New Moon" as well as the debut of new footage from what is expected to be one of November's biggest releases. Who will appear from the cast is unclear, but it would be surprising for Summit to drag Kristen Stewart or Robert Pattinson from Vancouver for the event while they are still shooting "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse." Our guess? "New Moon" vampire and "Underworld" franchise star Michael Sheen or the members of the Wolfpack (with shirts on for this crowd). "
"SCREAM 2009" will tape on Saturday, October 17 and premiere on Tuesday, October 27 at 10:00 PM ET/PT.

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